Autorun Files On Usb For Mac
Autostarting applications is impossible under Mac OS X. The next-best thing, opening the CD folder and showing the installer icon, can be done by using (AutoOpen version 1.0) to make a. Dmg which can then be burnt to a CD.
Installation procedure:BIOS - Disable Integrated graphics - Set PEG as PrimaryUse a digital connection - DVI or HDMI - VGA is not supported.Boot with nvdisable=1May need to updateInstallConfig.plist - Do not inject Intel or Nvidia graphics and no ig-platform-idConfig.plist - Disable SIP fully - CsrActiveConfig 0x67Edit config.plist - NvidiaWeb = true as perMay need to emulate native NVRAM -Remove nvdisable=1 from config.plistMay need to install Lilu.kext and NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext to /Library/Extensions. Installation procedure:BIOS - Disable Integrated graphics - Set PEG as PrimaryUse a digital connection - DVI or HDMI - VGA is not supported.Boot with nvdisable=1May need to updateInstallConfig.plist - Do not inject Intel or Nvidia graphics and no ig-platform-idConfig.plist - Disable SIP fully - CsrActiveConfig 0x67Edit config.plist - NvidiaWeb = true as perMay need to emulate native NVRAM -Remove nvdisable=1 from config.plistMay need to install Lilu.kext and NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext to /Library/Extensions. Gigabyte motherboard 990fxa ud3 drivers.
macrumors newbie
I have successfully created an autorun (DVD/USB-STICK) image of my bands EPK (Electronic Press Kit) for Windows. However I also need it to autorun on OSX too.
On my autorun image is a portable version of Google Chrome, a portable version of Safari and a stripped down version of our website (www.u2act.com) with all the supporting video, audio and images. When the DVD or USB-STICK is inserted into a PC, the site is loaded into Chrome portable. This works great!
I am not a OSX guy (though I hope to be one day soon). So I need some help/advice regarding how to make the same DVD/USB-STICK work on a Mac.
I have found a Mac version of Portable Chrome in a .dmg format here: http://www.techbeta.org/google/googl..table-for-mac/
I have also found a Mac version of Portable Safari in a .dmg format here: http://osxportableapps.sourceforge.net/p_safari/
And I found info on dual OS AutoStart/AutoRun here: http://www.keiserphoto.com/resources/cdauto.htm
Now to just combine them. That's where the confusion for me comes in for me. The main question I have is how to autostart either portable versions of Safari or Chrome from the DVD/USB-STICK? Is the .dmg image executable?
One last note: I need Chrome or Safari because I am using the HTML 5 <video> tag.
FYI.. Here is my Windows autorun.inf file:
Open=GoogleChromePortable/GoogleChromePortable.exe index.html
Action=UZoo EPK
Label=UZoo EPK