Keyboard Shortcut For Equation Editor Word 2010 Mac
Some of the commonly used symbols:
I am aware of the ALT+= keyboard shortcut to get to equation editor mode. I also know of the CTRL+=, CTRL+SHIFT+= shortcuts to toggle superscript/subscript mode outside of equation editor. When in equation editor, those shortcuts do not work, and instead I have to click on the Script button from the ribbon.
infty - Infinity
leq - Less than or equal
geq - Greater than or equal
partial - Partial differential Adobe cs 5.5 mac os x yosemite compatibility 10.
sum - Summa
prod - Product Sign
subset - Contained in
in - Element of
cup - Union (if you want to see big symbol, enterbigcup)

neq - Not equal to
approx - Almost equal to (asymptotic to)
equiv - Identical to (equivalent)
int - Integral
oint - Contour integral
How to use all these symbols outside the equation, select the optionUse Math AutoCorrect rules outside of math regions in the Word Options. How to do it, seeChoosing Math AutoCorrect Options.
See also this tip in French:Raccourcis clavier pour entrer des symboles et des modèles dans équations.